No other nation is more associated with whisky than Scotland. It is very likely that the Irish were the first to produce the spirit from grains and passed the art of distillation to Scotland via the Hebrides, specifically via the Kintyre peninsula.
The first written evidence of whisky production in Scotland dates back to 1494. An entry in the Scottish Exchequer Rolls (similar to a ledger to keep a record of royal income and expenditures) contained the following statement from King James IV “Eight Bolls of malt to Friar John Cor wherewith to make aquavitae”. Eight bolls would be equivalent to half a ton of malt.
Scotch Whisky holds commercial success thanks to a long history of global market penetration achieved through channels of the British Empire, great international branding, and regulations that protect the industry.
The flavor profile of Single Malt Scotch whisky varies by distillery and region. However, a malty-cereal flavor with some degree of smoke is a common denominator. Check my Scotch whisky reviews here.
My mission is to provide a great educational and entertaining experience by guiding the tasting experience. Due to alcohol law in the state of Georgia, the host/hostess must make all alcohol purchases. However, whisky suggestions can be provided upon request.